Strategy Services

Strategy Support Consulting Services

Understand Strategic Performance and Key Drivers

Strategic Performance Audit

Our performance audit allows Presidents, Boards and CEO’s need to regularly take the time to understand where they are up to. The Spark Growth Solutions Strategic Performance Audit covers the key areas of:

  • Trajectory of performance metrics and adequacy of reporting
  • Adequacy of risk and opportunity management
  • Knowledge of operating environment
  • Understanding of and engagement with stakeholders
  • Effectiveness of planning processes
Strategic Drivers Audit

Big goals are best developed through an excellent understanding of the key drivers such as operating environment and market potential of the organisation. Spark Growth Solutions Strategic Drivers Audit provides you with the information to know your marketplace potential, key environmental factors and the perceptions of stakeholders including:

  1. The size of your market?
  2. What stakeholders know, expect and think about your performance?
  3. Key environmental drivers influencing your success?
  4. Adequacy of marketing, communications and customer service
Plan for Strategic Performance

Can I hear you groaning at the strategy word! If you are, then there is a high likelihood you have been the victim of one of the big mistakes of strategy planning:

  • Outlandish goals because resources not adequate
  • A lack of inclusion resulting in alienation
  • To many big goals to focus effort
  • No quick wins to build momentum and support
  • No support due to poor communication
Build a Powerful Plan that Engages Stakeholders

Spark Growth Solutions will support you to develop an excellent plan but do so through a process that builds a sense of inclusion, identifies quick wins and builds in communications to build a support base. We also put a lot of emphasis on strategic sequencing so that dependencies and positive stakeholder impacts drive the order of implementation.

Strategic Risk and Opportunity Management to Drive Performance

Directors are primarily responsible for ensuring that risk and opportunity management processes give the organisation every opportunity to succeed. Spark Growth Solutions works with you to ensure that the risk and opportunity management structures, framework and processes optimise the chances of success.

Measuring Strategic Performance

Directors Should be Confident about Strategic Performance

Big Goals Hunters believe that strategic performance needs to be measured and reports provided to the Board regularly. Whilst do not believe that you can monetise everything, we do believe that reasonably objective measures can be set for all big goals. Without these measures it is impossible for the Board and other key stakeholders to know how the organisation is performing across its strategic activity areas. This in turn limits communications effectiveness and therefore support.

Accurate and Precise Indicators, regularly Collected and Analysed

In science they talk about accuracy and precision which is their way of asking:

  • Are we measuring what we say we measure?
  • Are we measuring it the same way every time?

Spark Growth Solutions assists you to determine the best measures to represent strategic intent and how they are defined. We also work with you to ensure that data collection is part of the way you do business.

This gives Directors the tools they need to understand where they are at and whether things are going in the right direction. Strategic performance is built around the ability of the Board and senior management being able to have a constructive dialogue on performance of activity areas. Without quasi-objective data and analysis to focus the conversation they can be based solely on intuition and emotions.

Spark Growth Solutions are not personnel consultants and our focus is on organisational performance not the individuals.

See how we can help

Enquire about our strategy consulting services with one of our expert consultants today


Service Areas
We service Australia wide
Contact Phone
1300 883 381
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Working Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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